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Create an Azure cluster with Additional Options

This document describes how to set up an Azure cluster with Hypershift with additional flag options.

Creating an Azure cluster with Hypershift without any additional flag options can be found here.


This assumes you are: 1. Using an AKS management cluster 2. Set up external DNS 3. Installed the HyperShift Operator

Encrypting the OS Disks on Azure VMs

There are a few prerequisites for encrypting the OS disks on the Azure VMs:

  1. Create your own resource group
  2. Create an Azure Key Vault, with purge protection required, within the resource group
  3. Create a key in the vault to use to create a DiskEncryptionSet
  4. Create a DiskEncryptionSet with key in the vault and grant it permissions to assess the key vault


You will need to use the resource-group-name flag when using the DiskEncryptionSetID flag.

After performing these steps, you just need to provide the DiskEncryptionSet ID when creating a hosted cluster.

CLI Example

${HYPERSHIFT_BINARY_PATH}/hypershift create cluster azure \
--name "$CLUSTER_NAME" \
--azure-creds $AZURE_CREDS \
--location ${LOCATION} \
--node-pool-replicas 2 \
--base-domain $AZURE_BASE_DOMAIN \
--pull-secret $PULL_SECRET \
--generate-ssh \
--release-image ${RELEASE_IMAGE} \
--external-dns-domain ${MGMT_DNS_ZONE_NAME} \
--resource-group-name "${MANAGED_RG_NAME}" \
--vnet-id "${GetVnetID}" \
--subnet-id "${GetSubnetID}" \
--network-security-group-id "${GetNsgID}" \
--annotations \
--management-key-vault-name ${KEY_VAULT_NAME} \
--management-key-vault-tenant-id ${KEY_VAULT_TENANT_ID} \
--fips=true \
--marketplace-publisher azureopenshift \
--marketplace-offer aro4 \
--marketplace-sku aro_417 \
--marketplace-version 417.94.20240701 \
--disk-encryption-set-id <disk_encryption_set_id>

You can also pass in the DiskEncryptionSet ID when creating a NodePool.

hypershift create nodepool azure \
--name <name_of_nodepool> \
--cluster-name <cluster_name> \
--resource-group-name <resource_group_name> \
--disk-encryption-set-id <disk_encryption_set_id>

NodePool CR Example

The DiskEncryptionSet ID can also be set directly through the NodePool CR.

kind: NodePool
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: <nodepool_name>
  namespace: clusters
  arch: amd64
  clusterName: <cluster_name>
    autoRepair: false
    upgradeType: Replace
      diskEncryptionSetID: <disk_encryption_set_id>
      diskSizeGB: 120
      vmsize: Standard_D4s_v4
    type: Azure
    image: <release_image>
  replicas: <number_of_replicas>
  replicas: 0

Enabling Ephemeral OS Disks on Azure VMs

To enable the ephemeral OS disk option on the Azure VMs in your HostedCluster, set the enable-ephemeral-disk flag to true.


Ephermeral OS disks are not available in every region or for every instance type.

You may need to adjust the disk storage account type; to adjust the disk storage account type, use the disk-storage-account-type flag as shown in the example below.

You may need to adjust the disk size depending on the instance type used; to adjust the disk size, use the root-disk-size flag.

See Ephemeral OS disks for Azure VMs for more details.

${HYPERSHIFT_BINARY_PATH}/hypershift create cluster azure \
--name "$CLUSTER_NAME" \
--azure-creds $AZURE_CREDS \
--location ${LOCATION} \
--node-pool-replicas 2 \
--base-domain $AZURE_BASE_DOMAIN \
--pull-secret $PULL_SECRET \
--generate-ssh \
--release-image ${RELEASE_IMAGE} \
--external-dns-domain ${MGMT_DNS_ZONE_NAME} \
--resource-group-name "${MANAGED_RG_NAME}" \
--vnet-id "${GetVnetID}" \
--subnet-id "${GetSubnetID}" \
--network-security-group-id "${GetNsgID}" \
--annotations \
--management-key-vault-name ${KEY_VAULT_NAME} \
--management-key-vault-tenant-id ${KEY_VAULT_TENANT_ID} \
--fips=true \
--marketplace-publisher azureopenshift \
--marketplace-offer aro4 \
--marketplace-sku aro_417 \
--marketplace-version 417.94.20240701 \
--enable-ephemeral-disk true \
--instance-type Standard_DS4_v2 \
--disk-storage-account-type Standard_LRS

You can also set the enable-ephemeral-disk flag when creating a NodePool.

hypershift create nodepool azure \
--name <name_of_nodepool> \
--cluster-name <cluster_name> \
--node-count <number_of_replicas> \
--release-image <release_image> \
--enable-ephemeral-disk true \
--instance-type Standard_DS4_v2 \
--disk-storage-account-type Standard_LRS