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Configure Metrics Sets

HyperShift creates ServiceMonitor resources in each control plane namespace that allow a Prometheus stack to scrape metrics from the control planes. ServiceMonitors use metrics relabelings to define which metrics are included or excluded from a particular component (etcd, Kube API server, etc) The number of metrics produced by control planes has a direct impact on resource requirements of the monitoring stack scraping them.

Instead of producing a fixed number of metrics that apply to all situations, HyperShift allows configuration of a "metrics set" that identifies a set of metrics to produce per control plane.

The following metrics sets are supported:

  • Telemetry - metrics needed for telemetry. This is the default and the smallest set of metrics.
  • SRE - Configurable metrics set, intended to include necessary metrics to produce alerts and allow troubleshooting of control plane components.
  • All - all the metrics produced by standalone OCP control plane components.

The metrics set is configured by setting the METRICS_SET environment variable in the HyperShift operator deployment:

oc set env -n hypershift deployment/operator METRICS_SET=All

Configuring the SRE Metrics Set

When the SRE metrics set is specified, the HyperShift operator looks for a ConfigMap named sre-metric-set with a single key: config. The value of the config key should contain a set of RelabelConfigs organized by control plane component. An example of this configuration can be found in support/metrics/testdata/sreconfig.yaml in this repository.

The following components can be specified:

  • etcd
  • kubeAPIServer
  • kubeControllerManager
  • openshiftAPIServer
  • openshiftControllerManager
  • openshiftRouteControllerManager
  • cvo
  • olm
  • catalogOperator
  • registryOperator
  • nodeTuningOperator
  • controlPlaneOperator
  • hostedClusterConfigOperator